Monday, January 30, 2017

World War Minecraft

rated PG-13 [may not be suitable for children under 11]
mild peril some violence


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Minecraft movie/Dreadlord VS Herobrine

rated PG [may be unsuitable for children under 9]

some sounds mild peril some rude humor.


This movie is rated PG-13 [may not be suitable for children under 11]
lea43 gets killed a few times as well as skullhead mild peril and violence.

:):)):):):):):):):):):)):):): I know u like video reviews.
Survival island

this movie is rated PG [may not be suitable for children under 9]
mild peril.

video reviews are cool right :)
Saw VS Herobrine

This Movie is rated PG-13 [May not be suitable for children under 11]
This movie is very violent and 2 jump scares scattered throughout the movie some rude humor.

the video review 
Destruction 2 - SkullHead Returns

this movie is rated PG-13 [May Be Unsuitable For Children Under 13]

for there is some peril/death some violence I have rated this 13+ because of that.
here is the video review.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hey guys its another X Esquire blog I know the name is popcorn but the blog wont just be about popcorn. Soon I will post my first bit of music Yumburger - Single it will have 2 songs Yumburger and HamsterDance. The cover to this Single is actually my YouTube icon.

This blog will be about popcorn and my music I hope you will like it and if you do feel free to follow me or check out my other blog at .